Say goodbye to manually making entries in your electronic CD register.
Say goodbye to manually making entries in your electronic CD register.
We've been working hard with Titan to streamline the process of making entries in your CD registers. If you use Titan PMR, you can now link it with your Clara account.
Clara is already fast for making CD entries, remembering the patient's name and address and their prescriber's name and address. But with the Titan integration, it is even faster.
When you scan out the prescription in Titan the data is sent to Clara. Then in Clara, it will sit in the "pending entries" queue ready for you to double-check, select who is making the entry, and save—improving accuracy and saving you even more time.
Pending entries don't expire, they stay in the queue until you either enter them onto a register or dismiss them. However, Clara will warn you if they are older than 28 days.
This is especially useful if you use serial/instalment dispensing. If you have a patient on daily methadone for example, you'll see a new pending entry each day for them automatically.
Save even more time, eliminate missed entries and improve accuracy. Get started with the Titan integration now.